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VIC is green technology for refrigeration, air conditioning and heating systems

Bei Kaltwasserpufferspeicher macht uns niemand etwas vor. Höchstens nach.

Malaysia, Fa. Inno Biolocs

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 2500 liters, with Epoxidinnenbeschichtung, 3x13mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat /

Malaysia, Fa. Inno Biolocs

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 2500 liters, with Epoxidinnenbeschichtung, 3x13mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat /

Ungarn, Fa. AUDI / AHM, Györ

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 4000 liters with 1x13mm rubber vinyl insulation

Ungarn II, Fa. Opel, Szentgotthard

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 5x 4000 liters with 1x13mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat

Ungarn III, Fa. CEVA Phylaxia, Budapest

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 2000 liters with 2x13mm rubber vinyl insulation

Niederlande, Fa. Crucell, Leiden

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 2 x 5000 liters, with 19mm vinyl rubber insulation (parallel)

Schweden, Fa. Leine + Linde, Strängnäs

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 1000 liters with 2x13mm rubber vinyl insulation. Cold water storage tank + Hydraulic separator, 500 liters in stainless steel

Lettland, Latvigas Banka, Riga

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 3000 liters, with Epoxidinnenbeschichtung

Kirgistan, Zigarettenfabrik, Bishkek

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 8000 liters with 2x13mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat

Russland, Zigarettenfabrik, Wolgograd

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 2 x 1000 liters with 1x13mm rubber vinyl insulation (parallel)

Russland, Blutplasmawerk, Kirov

70,000 liters of rectangular tank as a cooling tower water storage tank and cooling tower water collection tank with a double basin Epoxidinnenbeschichtung

Russland, Mc Donald, Moskau

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 1000 liters with 1x13mm rubber vinyl insulation

England, Fa. McLaren, Woking

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 2 x 5000 liters with 2x13mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat

Iran, Deutsche Botschaft, Teheran

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 1000 liters with 3x13mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat

Brasilien, Deutsche Botschaft, Brasilia

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 1000 liters with 3x13mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat

Saudi Arabien, Radar Luftüberwachung

Cold water storage tank + loss header, 9x 6000 liters with 3x16mm rubber insulation and sheet vinyl coat